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Haemostatic & Artery Forceps


INS17 - 120 Hartman Haemostatic forceps 10cm Straight
INS17 - 122 Hartman Haemostatic forceps 10cm Curved
INS17 - 280 Spencerwells Artery forceps straight 12.5cm
INS17 - 290 Spencerwells Artery forceps curved 12.5cm
NS17 - 282 Spencerwells Artery forceps straight 15cm
INS17 - 284Spencerwells Artery forceps straight 15cm
INS17 - 286 Spencerwells Artery forceps straight 20cm
INS17 - 292 Spencerwells Artery forceps curved 15cm
INS17 - 294Spencerwells Artery forceps curved 15cm
INS17 - 170 Artery Forceps Crille Straight 14cm
INS17 - 172 Artery Forceps Crille Curved 14cm
INS17 - 354 Artery Forceps Kocher straight 15cm
INS17 - 356 Artery Forceps Kocher straight 18cm
INS17 - 358 Artery Forceps Kocher straight 20cm
INS17 - 364 Artery Forceps Kocher curved 15cm
INS17 - 366 Artery Forceps Kocher curved 18cm
INS17 - 368 Artery Forceps Kocher curved 20cm
INS17 - 340 Dunhill Artery Forceps Curved 12.5cm

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