
Reconstruction Distal Humeral Plate (Y-shape)
Reconstruction Distal Humeral Plate (Y-shape)
November 17, 2017
Distal Medial Humeral Plate
Distal Medial Humeral Plate
November 17, 2017
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BeneHeart R12


waveforms ensure the quality of ECG
data and aid faster processing.
Clear view of results helps you focus on
diagnosis and care.
Save up to 800 ECG records internally,
or use the USB lash drive for online ECG
storage and transmission.
Lithium ion battery powers greater than
3.5 hours of continuous operation
or 400-page recording on one charge.
One of the lightest 12-lead
electrocardiographs available –
only 4.8 kg.
Optional hardy and compact trolley
for easy mobility and storage.

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